Sent a patch to

Just a typofix.

But hg, patch, mailing list - the whole rigmarole.

Not complaining. I was in a meeting and had time to kill.

Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago

If you have played with ChatGPT and you feel secure in your career, you should contact me!

ChatGPT vs Programmer

There are ways to critique medicine. But using science to critique it is bound to fail.

Does Medicine Need a Paradigm Shift?

Why sending a PR is not equal to collaboration.

Merge My PR, I Will Pay You

Often in software applications we have a thousand things to do (eg: sending emails to all subscribers, adding a calculated field to all the records in a table). This video is a simple overview of the various approaches we can take

Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago

Seeing a spike in DNS queries this month. I think this is due to getting queried by numerous servers in the fediverse. Second order effects of systems are beginning.

Set up for SOCHARA. OMG! How powerful is it?!

Omeka S
Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago

What if I told you how much money I have?

Money Matters

Totally missing out

Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago

If you're a feminist, but you have a problem with being called a "feminist", perhaps you're not a feminist.

Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago

I'm really curious about how the algorithms decide to show me the ads that they show me. Like, who do they think I am.

There are so many different trees on this road and the only tree I can identify is mango tree if it has mangoes.

Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago