Life tip: If you drop your loved ones at railway station, never wait at the platform till the train leaves.

Found a robin-sized bird that was chiseling a hole in a tree by the roadside, almost indistinguishable from the tree. Asked what bird it is half sure that there's no way to identify it from that description.

Got this whole story as the answer

I just changed the CSS of my server and now my fediverse is dark themed 😼 😻

Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago
Akshay S Dinesh shared 2 years ago

OMG! I just realised when manually entering this username that is not a group of Rhodes scholarship recipients. Ha ha.

Che, I should have set this up using It seems like it has compatibility with mastodon APIs.

It is funny, people with 36K followers on twitter are "putting their feet down" and moving to mastodon. And the next thing they do, they're on twitter saying "the first 1000 mastodon followers get an automatic follow back from me". I'm like, dude, this is mastodon. You'll probably have 200 followers forever.

Trying this out because is shutting down.