If you think about what doing good means, you should watch 'The Good Place'
Some personal growth kitchen stories
Just some hypothesis on how reading everything (not just reading) is important
Next time you buy hard disk on amazon, remember that there are scammers selling old failing hard disks repackaged.
Maybe you do understand intersectionality but you don't stand up for it.
The biggest problem I have in making this video is that I don't know what the audience doesn't know. So, can you please watch and comment.
/me tried out NextJS 14 for a popular website. Just writing down the experience
It's clear that in long term Open Source will fail to serve users and it will only serve corporates. For users its always going to be Free Software. It's the right of the user and not a favor by the creator.
It's proven again and again by Redis, ElasticSearch, and now WordPress.
There is always a problem with a single corporate funded software.
I fed NotebookLM my bio and this podcast came out about me
A small tip to make learning keyboard shortcuts faster
What's the logic behind fighting against discrimination / for social justice? I explore this question in this post. The answer will disappoint you.
Just documenting the ways I use LLMs (and the ways it has replaced google for me in some ways). Do tell me what creative uses I'm missing.
If you use linux, you never connect to new devices without searching online for a few configuration parameters
I hope the very stupid gemini protocol fad has died
I wanted to write a report. And was looking for a tutorial for scribus. And then found some dabba english tutorials. Then I remembered ibcomputing had one. And reached in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bja2mhbo9E&list=PL1Q3VHDJ6prbrVO47_jqOzc64NO0MIghs&index=9
OMG! It is an amazingly well made tutorial. The tips and tricks are what makes it sooooooo useful. I loved it.
It is interesting how many problems you can discover with the 5-why approach of root cause analysis and how easily?!
And it is frustrating how long it takes to work on them.
I'm happy to implement web key directory support in #Mailvelope Keyserver software.
You can see the history of this work here https://github.com/mailvelope/keyserver/issues/121
I don't have a lot of experience coding software but I could visualize a solution.
Thanks to @akshay and @weepingclown for their continuous support which made this possible.
Hopefully this will motivate more people to setup #wkd for their domains and make end to end encrypted email as easy as WhatsApp or Signal.
Capitalism forces people to question the idea of shared ownership and collectives everywhere and all the time. In this post I examine whether open-source maintainers giving up open-source is actually an example of the tragedy of the commons as thought by some.
A quick run through on the spectrum of disagreements on social justice work